Q&A: Astronaut's Son Takes New Route to Space
Oct. 16, 2007 — Who could blame Richard Garriott? He grew up in Houston, surrounded by astronauts, including his dad Owen. He wasn't particularly turned on by math and science, but he did have a sharp eye for engineering — computer games that is.
By the time he was in high school, he was earning more than his astronaut dad. He tried college, but as the game business grew, his grades flagged until finally he dropped out.
Garriott, 46, is ready now to make a daring play in a game that's been building for 10 years. Unlike the quests in his medieval/fantasy series Ultima, the new gig is for real. Garriott is going to space like dear ole' dad, but he's doing it the new-fashioned way: by making out a check for $30 million.
arriott spoke with Discovery News about why he wants to leave the planet, what it was like growing up as an astronaut's son, and who is the real inspiration behind his adventures.
Irene Klotz, Discovery News: What is it about flying in space that appeals to you?
Richard Garriott: I think everyone has the fantasy or the desire to travel in space. I grew up in an environment where not only was my dad actually going to space, both of my next-door neighbors were astronauts, the guy behind me over the fence was an astronaut — basically the whole neighborhood was either astronauts or engineers in support of NASA...I kind of assumed that someday we would all be going to space.
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